Institute of Gerontology today

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Про проєкт “Lab2Market MedTech”
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Науковці Інституту геронтології розробили експрес метод оцінки біологічного віку та темпу старіння нервової системи
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Робота науковців Інституту геронтології отримала відзнаку за найкращу доповідь на 10th Annual Congress on Cardiovascular, Kidney and Metabolic Outcomes
Наприкінці 2024 року у Мюнхені відбувся Міжнародний Конгрес, присвячений обговоренню новітніх досягнень у галузі серцево-судинних, ниркових та метаболічних результатів клінічних...
Дізнатись більше "Робота науковців Інституту геронтології отримала відзнаку за найкращу доповідь на 10th Annual Congress on Cardiovascular, Kidney and Metabolic Outcomes"

D. F. Chebotarev Institute of Gerontology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

The scientific activity of the institute traditionally has three main directions:

  • biology of aging — fundamental research into the mechanisms of aging and the study of factors that slow down or accelerate this process,
  • clinical gerontology and geriatrics — clinical and experimental studies of the relationship between the aging process and age-related pathology, the course of major diseases in old age, development and improvement of methods of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation measures,
  • social gerontology and gerohygiene — analysis of the demographic situation, living conditions, nutrition, work activities, their impact on the health and life expectancy of the population of Ukraine.

These research areas have been developed at the Institute throughout its existence, and each of them has
significant scientific achievements


D. F. Chebotarev Institute of Gerontology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
(ДУ “Інститут геронтології імені Д. Ф. Чеботарьова НАМН України”)

04114, Kyiv, Vyshhorodska Street, 67
  • director’s reception — +38044 430 4068,
  • medical director’s reception — +3044 430 4042,
  • clinic reception (calls are accepted from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.) — +38044 430 4054,
  • reception room and reserve registration line (from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.) — +38044 229 5867,
  • information and advisory line with interactive voice menu (from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., in Ukrainian) +38044 229 5863.

{ How to make an appointment }

Attention patients and visitors!!! Due to forced power outages outside the institute, as well as during airstrikes, the institution’s landline phones may sometimes not work. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

Fax +38044 432 9956.

Find the contacts of the departments on the relevant pages – > “About us” – > Institute Structure” – > “Name of the structural division” or by searching, FOR EXAMPLE

Working hours (may vary for different departments):
Monday to Friday – 09:00–17:00.
Weekends: Saturday and Sunday, public holidays.